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A member registered Sep 09, 2020

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(1 edit)

This game reminds me of a mid 2000s Armor Games flash game. 

There IS a save button, but yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with you. You'd really only play this game to specifically do just that, because otherwise, why play it? It's repetitive, tedious, enemies are way too powerful, especially mid to late game, and even early game they are pretty bad, if you don't prioritize speed over anything else, you're probably not going to get very far in the game, and even then, being fast enough means nothing if you can't lower the opponent's HP faster than they can to you. 

Diminishing returns of XP means that you will have to grind particular enemies for quite a long time if you want to frequently use items in battles (Pretty much mandatory for most, if not all of them), which is just... why? Why have a system akin to Dark Souls with using XP for both buying items and leveling up? Just make a separate currency that enemies drop upon defeat, or that you can find in the overworld. 

The writing, though, IS GREAT. Like, I'm not kidding, it's quite good, as well as the art and the overall idea of it, but the fact that it is hidden beneath a frustrating unbalanced veneer of a game boggles my mind. I honestly feel like this would've been better off as a choose your own adventure story from the nineties or something, rather than whatever this game is.

(5 edits)

Yeah, that centaur fight, you're basically guaranteed to lose if you don't hit them EVERY single time, and not only that, you might not be damaging them enough to make up for the difference in the health that you lose to them. And even then, the barrage move they do is one, super accurate, two, absolutely op, even if you prioritize vitality (That's also pretty bad because in this game, Higher DPS means a lot more than survivability nine times out of ten), and three, is seemingly random. There's no line that says that they are specifically preparing the attack before they unleash it in a previous round, it's just random. Unless I'm mistaken, and I'm just not remembering it right.

AND ON TOP OF THAT, they also have really high evasion, so if you don't focus on leveling up speed, you are just not going to hit them, nor are you going to dodge their attacks. AND ALSO ON TOP OF THAT, trying to escape them is nigh on impossible, or at the very least, highly unlikely. It seriously reminds me of how necessary it was to have AGL in Dark Souls 2 if you wanted to dodge something properly. If the dev is not currently looking into how to properly balance a game like this, I'd highly, HIGHLY recommend they do so. If you want the game to be fair, but challenging, that'd be fine, but I don't know how well that kind of thing translates to what is essentially a text adventure game.

Also, last thing, but why do enemies give diminishing returns of EXP when you level up? EXP is literally also used for buying things in the game, and yet if you want to routinely use those items in combat, you'll be grinding for what feels like hours, which is incredibly monotonous. In a game like this, which is already bordering on repetitive, that's clearly not a good thing. 

(6 edits)

Honestly not that wrong, this game is so rng-based that it makes me upset to play it. There is little to no skill or strategy involved, it's just like rolling dice with clicks and it's quite repetitive. You should make a good game first, not fetish art first.  If it's not fun, I don't care that it may or may not appeal to my personal kinks.  Just play Tribal Hunter instead, tbh. Also, the only two equipment limitation is pretty restrictive given just how much the Ai loves to heal themselves and paralyze you and all that other junk gimmicks they can do. Not to mention how leveling up speed, to me, doesn't really feel like it's improving my accuracy by a noticeable degree.

Also, wtf is with the forced loss rng? I have to save and reload encounters so many times because otherwise my current run will end quite abruptly. Why give the option to save in the first place if you can just end the run permanently when you lose to someone (You certainly can and will on lower levels)?

NP, and thank you for the explanation. I'll be sure to read the rest of the novel when I'm able to. Have a good evening (Or night, depending on where you are in the world)!

(1 edit)

Good VN so far, I just have two questions. One, What is the main character's species? There's some confusion for me, since there was one time where they looked in the mirror and saw themselves, and they commented on how sticky their fur was, but in other instances, they have hands and hair instead. Are they supposed to be human or are their species supposed to be ambiguous?

Second question, and this may be wrong or whatever, but whenever you and Popcorn get confronted by some roided out macho mom because you took something from her daughter, which technically, she didn't actually own it yet, if you defend your stance on being the rightful owner of the game, she literally punches you in the face, knocking you out, right in the middle of the store.

My question is, how is this woman not only allowed to do that, but also not get apprehended for assaulting you IN PUBLIC, presumably in front of at least a couple people. She would honestly get arrested for that, since she also threw the first punch. Is it just an attempt at humor? Because I didn't find that particular part funny at all, other than her name.

To be honest, my opinion may as well be influenced by the simple fact that I don't like most children, which is one of the reasons why I like Popcorn so much. Either way, I still enjoyed reading this novel. I do love the self-deprecating Gen Z kind of humor it has.